Thursday, August 3, 2017

How old is too young?

I am always surprised by how often I get asked the question: "Is my son/daughter too young for martial arts?"  In my school we have our Little Tigers Program which starts at age three so usually my answer to that question is absolutely not!

The students in this picture all started at an age younger than five, and while not all of them have made it to Black Belt yet, each one of them took a valuable experience home with them that has helped them in their life.  One of them in this picture is actually a 2nd degree now and has won several national championships.

But when that student started with martial arts, he could not focus, stand still and was extremely wobbly on his kicks and stances.  No he is an excellent student, a great competitor and even more important a great overall person.  So when is the best time to start?  The earlier you get in the more you get out!

The value of martial arts is not always apparent in what you see now.  The height of the kick or the technical demonstration of a technique is only the shallowest level of what a student receives from training.  The deeper levels show them how to not give up, how to stand tall with confidence, and the self respect to go for the best in life.

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