Monday, July 17, 2017

A beginning

A beginning...

Writing is something I have always enjoyed doing.  When I was 4 years old I wrote a short story with characters from Winnie the Pooh (my mother still has it squared away somewhere), when I was 6 I was able to use my parents' typewriter to make a short story, and at 23 I wrote my first novel which as of right now is in a rewrite in an attempt to be published.

All of these works had one thing in common...none were about me.  Writing about myself and what I do has always been a challenge, however, through teaching TKD I have found that my life experiences and activities can help my students who are going through difficult times in their own life.  If I can help one student through my own experiences than this blog was well worth the effort.

So here is my first bit of wisdom...challenge yourself to do things that you don't normally like to do.  In my case writing a blog about myself and my experiences is very difficult, but I am still writing.

If you hit a difficult topic or activity...a kick, a form, sparring, or weapons make it a challenge to yourself to do it instead of giving up.

I hope this is a good start to a productive blog.